準備好,獎杯獵人! *刺客信條陰影*'發射帶來了一個艱鉅的挑戰:等待您征服的獎杯綜合列表。本指南提供了完整的列表,以幫助您計劃狩獵成就的播放。
推薦視頻: *刺客信條陰影中的每個可見獎杯 *
Art of Ninjutsu – Master the way of the shinobi Art of Kenjutsu – Master the way of the samurai Make it Personal – Engrave your first weapon Sometimes – Perform a landing roll Reeding is Fundamental – Escape conflict using a breathing reed to hide in shallow water Just Your Shadow – Distract the same enemy 3 times with shinobi bells Hook, Line, and Swinger – Stay airborne swinging between grappling hook points Acrobatics – Perform a Leap of Faith from a grappling hook swing Adept Shinobi – Perform your first assassination Master Shinobi – Assassinate an enemy through a shoji door Unseen – Perform 5 assassinations consecutively without detection or combat Giant Slayer – Assassinate a powerful guardian instantly Adept Samurai – Perform your first Finisher as Yasuke Master Samurai – Parry an incoming projectile Unstoppable – Use Samurai Stand before a Finisher實際上,這是日本,實際上- 從高處超級設計的III踢敵人 - 在敵人流血到死亡冒險家後立即進行毒死的敵人最終聽證會,立即將武器鞘在膝蓋上射擊敵人 - 用箭頭測試您的能力,您的能力您的能力- 擊敗了您的第一個Kofun Raider - 完成了您的第一個Kofun Good-nouth Your Forth Your Forth Your Forth Your Forth Your Forth Your Forth Your Your Forth Your kafun kat zen zen kat kat kat kata kat kat ,傳奇的Sumi-e唯一的聖所-早晨解鎖藏身處的追逐- 在藏身處添加一個sumi-e ,對木頭和石頭的藏身處添加 - 完全升級了一個藏身處的建築物,每個人都受益! - 採用寵物快樂的地方- 到達地圖的最高點探路者- 訪問每個省偵察任務-您會使用偵察員收集信息嗎? - 在每個省份完成合同
*刺客信條陰影中的每個隱藏成就 *

序言,一個新的聯盟宣誓就實現了辛巴庫夫之情死亡的墮落,小偷毒素主人渴望的刺客羅寧·皇家士兵僧侶僧侶在士兵僧侶蒙克(Sharpshoot the Sharpshoot)在斗爭中建立了您的聯賽前鋒,而不是桶式的無限限制,因為麻煩的suture suture sutaure sutaure suppal helf tof mep tof mep tof tof sutal for nor tof mep tof mep for dafe tof sutal for tof mep tof sutal tof tof sutral tof tof mep tof sutral tof tof mep tof。